Thursday, December 17, 2015

The liver of animals provides many essential vitamins

The liver of animals not only contains many vitamins that contain large amounts of protein. Many countries have used chicken, beef, fish, and many of their organs for their dishes. Internal organs have high cholesterol."However, their liver is rich in iron and vitamins. A small portion is enough to give the body once a month, "according to the American Heart Association.
Below is a list of animal liver rich in nutrients for a healthy diet.

Veal liver

Veal liver
Veal liver unlike meat of them. Many people find that the concrete has good flavor than beef by the longevity of the low calf and that animals are more likely to be healthy, without the toxins. Veal liver contains vitamin A necessary and important for the eyes, skin, teeth, bones and soft tissues. It also helps to strengthen the immune system of the body. Vitamin B6 and B12 had the veal in the liver helps to form red blood cells healthy.

Duck liver

The liver is also similar to duck foie gras, is a popular food in France and sometimes relatively expensive.Duck liver is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins including copper, vitamin A, and 9 essential amino acids.Copper is the trace elements necessary for human body. They are also very important in building bone, hormone stimulation, and adjust your heart rate. The American Cancer Society showed that copper is counted against oxygen and may help fight cancer.

Cod liver

The benefits from this type of liver is oils have in them. Essential oils in fish liver currency has been used to treat many diseases. Like many types of fish oil, it contains the nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin D, omega-3 acids, and contains less saturated fat than the other oils.

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption. Essential oils in fish liver currency is very important in helping to combat the lack of vitamins and help prevent diseases, such as rickets.

Chicken liver

Must ensure that it is the organic chicken liver (chicken livestock by organic methods). If not, you risk ingesting these types of liver filled with irritants and toxins. Organic chicken liver contains vitamin B12, if the body has a deficiency of this vitamin can cause anemia. Vitamin B12 can prevent memory loss, boost mood and correct, slow the aging process, and strengthens the immune system of your body. Because the chicken liver with vitamin A is lower than veal or duck liver, liver should you need to eat chicken liver more often.

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